How do I maintain the temperature of my birth pool?

This would easily be the most frequently asked question from our customers.  It can be a daunting prospect, having to ensure that your birth pool temperature remains optimal to welcome your pepi into.
Here are our top tips!
💧 A sunny, warm space!
We recommend that you set the pool up in a sunny, warm space to help maintain the temperature of the pool. Using your heat pump or fireplace is also a good way to help maintain the temperature of your pool (but be sure not to set it up too close to their sources!)
💧 Reduce heat loss
When you start to fill the pool with water, close the windows and doors to reduce ventilation. This will massively help to reduce the rate of heat loss
💧Cover the pool during filling
Covering the pool while it is filling also helps. We recommend using a blanket to cover the pool during filling to help retain heat
💧Grab yourself a water thermometer
Water that is used to fill the pool should be as close to 37degrees as possible.  Our water thermometers are a very popular add ons, with most mamas adding one to their birth pool order.  They give an instant and very accurate reading of the water temperature and they are incredibly susceptible to changes in water temperature
💧Top the pool up as and when needed
If you have a continuous hot water supply, you will be able to top the pool up with warm water with your filling hose. If you do not have continuous hot water, you can top the pool up with warm water from your kettle/pans from your stove
💧You can get started early
If you are eager to fill the pool a little early, we suggest filling it about half full to 40 degrees, and filling the remaining half closer to the end of labour with water closer to the recommend 37 degrees

Find out more about our Birth Pool Hire service

We provide Birth Pools for NZ – check out our page to find out more information.

Contact Us

8 Abbeyhill Road, Pine Hill, Dunedin 9010, New Zealand

P: +64 210 488 646
E: [email protected]


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